Bonus: Snowden-Level Security
How to stay as safe as the best. Even with everything we’ve done in the previous lessons, you are not un-hackable. Learn the advanced techniques.…
How to stay as safe as the best. Even with everything we’ve done in the previous lessons, you are not un-hackable. Learn the advanced techniques.…
Know the con to avoid being the mark. Hacking involves human psychology. People use the same password for many accounts and don't backup their data. Hackers know how to leverage fear to get your keys. The best encryption, password manager and backups won't protect against social engineering.…
Backups sound like something you know you should be doing, but aren’t. All those priceless photos, music, notes and business documents are at risk. You should be backing up and protecting anything that would bring hurt to lose. Dive into the world of digital asset management.…
Browse the Internet without getting Attacked The average user is most vulnerable when they're browsing the internet. It is too easy to make decisions that can compromise your security and provide attackers valuable advantages.…
Become an Authentication Ninja and fight off hackers! Remembering long, strong, unique passwords for every single site sucks. Enter password managers. A lesson to get up and running with a password manager, 2-factor and backup codes. No longer need to remember a pile of annoying and weak passwords.…
Stop Thieves from Getting into your Phone and Computer. Your devices are your connection to the internet and the world. They’re also an easy way for hackers to gain access to your accounts. This is a quick lesson that applies to ALL your devices; your laptops, your phones, your tablets.…
No excuses, become safer than most people right now. Improve your security significantly with one action: make a strong, unique and easy-to-remember password with 2-factor authentication for your primary email. You will be WAY safer after doing this.…
This lesson plan balances pretty great security with something that people will actually do. I am even more of an efficiency nerd than a security nerd and do NOT want to add complexity or intrusion to your day. Security can be convenient. Hop in and start getting more secure right now.…
The most common response to talking about security and privacy is 'why should I care?' This post will answer that question for you.…